Wednesday, May 9

Rejoining the World of the Living

I have been crawling around my house the last three and a half days.  It appears that instead of getting sick throughout the school year, all the little kid germies waited until May for their sneak attack.  I've had absolutely no energy and a multitude of varying symptoms.  All I've accomplished in the last few days is knocking out a season of Cupcake Wars, adding an exceptional amount of hours to my sleep bank, and boring a Springer Spaniel to tears.  Seriously, he was so bored he looked like he wanted to cry.  Poor little dude...
Makes me feel so guilty!

Doesn't it always seem like you get sick when you have a lot to do in a little time???  

So, I'm two Tofu Tuesdays behind (because I was sick enough to not even have the energy to put up a post) so my goal is to have them up this weekend.  I didn't have tofu this Tuesday...  Until tonight's "dinner" I had been on a strict diet of udon noodle pho and spoonfuls of peanut butter. 

I made a spinach berry smoothie and am having a piece of Sunflower Millet bread from Great Harvest for dinner.  I needed an udon-break and am finally having some sense of an appetite. 

Woohoo for garden sprouts in the background!

Alright, I need to conserve and/or harness any of the energy I have left today to finish up some reports for tomorrow.  Joy of joys...  Only seven days left until Summer Vacation! :o)

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