Been up to my usual shenanigans + more.
Lots of fun new recipes (not so many pictures, but I may post the recipes anyways!).
Lots of random things keeping me busy.
Well here, this is what I've been up to since March, the photo edition (via iPhone):
There was skiing and skijoring
Attempts in quilting
Brewing of beer
Revisiting The Snuggery in Talkeetna
Putting in new doors and trim (still a work in progress!)
Trees of lost appendage warmers
Pumpkin loving in April
Late night doodling
Living room redesigning
Bookshelf building (they are STOCKED now)
Unexpected car buying
Rudder snuggling
More snow shoveling than I care for
Lots of work
Surprise Easter egg hunt by Kevin
For Rudder too!
Late season snow/slush
Like, mid-May snow.
The return of the bears, and discontinuation of certain trails.
Breakup in my backyard. Gross.
Bear hunting (aka Krista and Rudder play ball while Kevin looks for bears)
A trip to Vermont and a sooner-than-anticipated-I-can't-believe-he-actually-found-the-ring-then-bought-it-already engagement in Stowe. Yay!!!
Rochester visit with Kevin's brother & family
Awesome park visiting of our next year VT reception site.
Touring of VT awesomeness, to include the Magic Hat Brewery (did you know they made a garlic beer once? Didn't go over to well. Surprising, no? :op )
Some reading (and awkward Rudder poses)
Running while having people throw color dust in your ear.
Lots of hiking with beautiful weather
A ridiculous number of mosquitoes
A nice toasty, record breaking summer (okay, it didn't get to 91*, but my car thought it felt that hot too!)
Some more hiking
Dipnetting at the Copper River
Visiting a friend at her AWESOME Denali home
More hiking
Sleeping in and snuggles
New all-grain brewing set up. Woo!
Talkeetna Forest Fair
More hiking
A TON of swimming with Rudder (it was too hot for him to do much else!)
Pantry reorganization (I even did BOTH cabinets)
Gardening with moderate success (it's now about 3x the size)
Creating a brew room, complete with a kegerator and beer on tap. (PS, Kevin picked the paint color - Dog Park Green)
Hung out with Banana during knee surgery (she was disappointingly lucid throughout the whole process and pain meds - I had great plans of convincing her to wear rhinestones and heels to the wedding and getting her to sign off in agreement... dang.)
Lots of car travel
A visit from Kevin's dad = camping + fishing
Seward loving
And as per usual, taking pictures of dead, gnarly looking things (that I think are beauuuutiful).
Remember that moderately successful garden? The lettuce bed was AWESOME, then it met a moose with the munchies...
My garden was apparently so delicious, she came back for round two the 2nd night. My pleading and arguing with her to leave my greens alone did not appear to phase her...
Now it's August, which means rain.

I also go back to work this upcoming week.
Here comes Fall (at least up here), ready or not!
*For the record, I love Fall, it's my favorite, but I am soooo not ready!
Hopefully I'll be back on here in less than four months. :o)